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Vitamin C with Collagen

Vitamin C with Collagen is the most important of the vitamins taken in our food, because of its role in the formation of bio-collagen. Man is one of the few mammals on the planet, whose body does not produce vitamin C in the liver.

An extreme example of the consequences of its deficiency is scurvy, a disease resulting in stopping the processes of collagen genesis. A  number of adverse factors of civilization as well as stress cause the increase in the demand for this substance.


It provides the body with natural vitamin C, which:

  • Contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system
  • Stimulates collagen genesis processes in order to ensure the proper functioning of capillaries, skin, gums and teeth as well as bones and cartilages
  • Contributes to the maintenance of appropriate energy metabolism
  •  Helps in the proper functioning of the nervous system
  •  Helps maintain appropriate psychological functions
  •  Helps protect cells from oxidative stress
  • Contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue

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