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Face Exfoliators

Face exfoliators are playing a very important role in skin care. With the use of the face exfoliators you remove excessive amount of dead skin and expose the live and real skin for further treatment.

Exfofliating process allows for the serums or creams to work much better and quicker as they do not have to go through the dead skin layer before reaching the real skin.

Collagen mask exfoliates the skin and gives it a natural glow. It contains a composition of AHA and BHA acids to stimulate the skin to work. Factors such as sun, age and stress slow down cell renewal and cause a larger accumulation of dead cells. The task of our mask is to accelerate skin renewal processes by reducing the adherence of dead cells, exfoliating them and discovering smoother, fresh skin.

The skin after peeling is smooth, soft and it absorbs better the active ingredients present in skincare products.


  • visibly brightens the complexion
  • leaves the skin tense, firm, increases its elasticity
  • reduces the visibility of skin pores
  • makes the skin radiant and naturally glowing

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